

Friday 12 August 2016

Day 11: The Trophy Truckie Wife

A few months back I made a new friend named Angela. This is a woman who knows what she wants and goes for it. Angela challenges my fears, she reads me like a book and without reading my blog, this woman knew from just a few short conversations, that I have issues of being afraid to take risks, that I like to be in control and taking the drivers seat. I guess with over 25 years in the drivers seat that is inevitable. 
The Blindman and His blond Chauffeur, at a truck stop on our way to Sydney
Being blind my husband has had to endure riding in the passenger seat all of his life. You know most people pay to have the privilege of having a good looking chauffeur take them where ever they want to go. Lucky for my man, I like to be in the drivers seat. When I met Deano I had my licence for just one day. I passed my provisional driving test the day before I met him, so I was a ready made taxi driver from day one. 

While we dated we had the use of my mothers Lite Ace van. I wasn't the coolest cat in the coolest car but it did fit my blind mans bike in the boot and so I would often drive him home after I had finished school. At times I would find a little note he had literally scratched down on a pad leaving me love letters under the windscreen wipers. At the time I don't think I really considered them to me overly romantic...because they were always written in thick black texta, they wouldn't say too much. They were often just little thoughtful messages like "I missed you today" or "meet me at home" or "I love you" The fact that my blind man took the time to write words on paper just for me, considering he could not quite make out the letter he was writing, made them special. Looking back now i would say these little slips of paper were utterly charming. I guess you could say he was writing a licence to drive my heart in his direction.

After we got married we didn't have the use of my mothers car. For almost all of the first year we biked and walked everywhere and often I silently prayed that somehow we would get our first car that we owned ourselves. Public transport was not an option where we lived so we really were appreciative when a $2500 cheque  made out to me was found in a love letter sent from a distant relative who could see us struggling. Oh what a blessing our first car was to us. A white itty bitty two door 1977 Honda Civic hatch back. I guess it wasn't the muscle car Deano was hoping for, one with grunt and v eight turbo power engine, the type of rumbling sound that is a little deafening, the type that shakes the earth, which you can feel under your feet and in the air as it speeds of into the distance. Nope $2500 was not going to be enough for that! I am forever thankful for that donation to help us,  it was totally unsolicited and given in love. "What if life was working for you not happening to you" Anthony Robbins.  One day when we are in that same position we will pay that blessing forward and bless one young couple with enough money to buy their first car. 
Our First Car 1977 2 Door White Honda Civic Hatch

Over the 25 years of driving "Mr Daisy" my skill set has improved out of site. We run a pedal go kart hire business And now I drive a very masculine black shiny Aussie ute (made in Japan, because sadly there are no ute manufacturing companies left here in Australia) I tow a 6 metre 2.5 tonne trailer, black and shiny, a beast of a rig really. My blind man sits proudly in the passenger seat as he listens to the Diesel engine crank away and sometimes winces as he hear the odd crunch of the gears from my end. He calls me his Truckie and loves to hear other men comment to him how well I can back that rig up the driveway as they stand and watch ready to offer assistance to a blond house wife who they predict will have no idea how to drive such a monstrosity especially in reverse. Yes I am also proud of my driving skills too. You know when life throws you lemons you make lemonade. This blind man has a delivery company, (unbelievable right) and this Blindmans wife has had the opportunity to learn a skill that a whole lot of other women would not have ever even consider. 
Go Kart Wild The Blindman and The Blindmans Wife Pedal Go Kart Business

Back to the reason I started this blog and write this particular post. Over the past 25 years I have given a measure of control to the risks I have been prepared to take. I have not been prepared to do the wild things that I and my husband have dreamed about...yes our life is unusual but not in a wild adventurous way. We have dreamed of traveling to far flung regions of the world, being missionaries to help serve people in third world countries and to share our passion of life with others globally. Publicly I am driving our dream through this blog, because then I will make this a reality. Angela gave me a gift when she told me to "let go" and "get over your fear" and for this I will be forever thankful that we met, truly she is a forever friend. Now Deano and I are the co-pilots of this dream, building residual income together so we can get to the planned destination sooner than we had hoped. This is a magnificent new mindset of which both my blindman and myself are driving together and who knows it might in the end get Deano that v8 rumbling engined vehicle,he has always dreamed about as a bonus! 
The Blindman and the Blindmans wife Rig


  1. I cant wait to see you guys turn up to friday nights in a V8 monster truck . Love your work and you . Your new found friend Bear .
