

Friday 16 September 2016

Day 47 : You Don't Know what You Don't Know

What career options are out there for a blind man? Still after 25 years of marriage, 2 degrees and running his own business this man is still in search for his passion.  Whist I consider myself as an awesomely supportive wife my life has been dedicated to helping Deano fulfil his passions and sometimes this can be frustrating as I have had  to learnt to adapt our lives to suit his needs.

Unfortunately for a blind person the saying is true..."You don't know what you don't know" blindness can be a very limiting reality. Not knowing what he is missing out on leaves him sometimes thwarted as knowing there is more but not knowing what that more is can be a strange concept for a sighted person to consider.

Imagine if you would going to the cinema to watch an awesome action movie. Something like one of the Transformer series. Now pretend you have been blind folded. You are sitting there following the story along only by the conversations had by the actors and by the sound effects and dramatic music playing in the background. Without someone else explaining to you, describing the scene, capturing the moments of silence so you know what's happening, how would you feel? This is the best way I can describe what it might like to be in Deano's shoes. Yes Deano and I do go to the movies and I am his scene image conveyer throughout the flick. I have become really good at whispering in the suspenseful moments...and I have learnt to fight back the tears in a sad movie just so I can get the words out. People sitting around us must think we are a little odd talking right through the movie that's why we take an isle seat for a quick getaway just in case someone decides to job me one for being annoying whilst they try to concentrate as the plot thickens not understanding Deano can't see and being distracted by my nattering. 

So it is in life and not just for blind people but many others, weather it's from living in an isolated location, having any other disability or lack of education for any reason, unless there is someone in life describing opportunities for growth and assisting in knowing what's around how would one know which direction to progress. 

Today I was in the city and I watched as another blind man try and orient himself after he had crossed the street. It took him sometime to find his way but he did manage his course up the path holding onto his cane and using his free hand to feel the building beside him. And so it is in the life of my Blindman, we seem to conquer crossing the street or one part of our lives and Deano discovers an opportunity in another direction. One he had not known existed before, because of his limited vision, the next thing I know is that the new found knowledge become his new interest. A wise old man admonished him once when he was much younger to search in books and there he will find his way through life. Hence the two university degrees and now he is considering a masters in Education. 
Although he doubts himself I know he can inspire others, young and old to find out what they don't know in this life, weather that be learning English as a second language or teaching mathematics, commerce or science to a bunch of rowdy high school students. I believe Deano's life was designed to inspire others to greatness and what better platform can there be than that of an Educator teaching people to know what they don't know!

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