

Thursday 4 August 2016

Day 3: Pokemongo...technology drives a wife insane

Today has been a mental day...the things I have to do to make this world churn for my family. Up at 5.30am in the car by 6.15am drive 20klms to get my daughter to a religious class, from there drive the girls to school and then drive back home. 

Once at home I am involved in helping Deano chase invoices, being his eyes to read the bank statements and let him know what funds are outstanding. It's of course Deano's job to do the dirty work...putting on the washing and chasing outstanding money! Of which he is totally capable of doing. Sometimes I end up with washed in stains, or the occasional towels and whites that have turned pink when the odd coloured item gets mixed in the wash, but hey that's my excuse to go shopping and buy me some fresh towels and whites...nothing like new clean undies and fresh sweet smelling new towels! 

Our capabilities are totally matched...except when it comes to using new technology...that's when we both become unstuck. Dean uses a program called "Jaws". It's a program that will read most information on the screen...actually the program brings out my autistic traits...the monotone talking at high speed like a nagging "Rosie" the robot from the 80's cartoon The Jetsons. If my blindman could only see the daggers I'm sending his way when forgets to wear his headphones...he certainly hears my pleading "put your headphones on...it's driving me insane" Heaven help me if I had to rely on Jaws for my reading and bookwork...I think I would rather stick a rusty fork in my eye...no then I would have to use Jaws...I think that's what you call an oxymoron! 

Today was a day of new technology...with our new network marketing challenge that we've  taken on it has brought on new IT experiences that I've never had to deal with before...I had to download and work out how to use an  online webinar presentation for the first time.
Dean gives moral support which in this case is the only kind of support he can offer...he stands behind my seat and massages my shoulders...sort of like a boxing trainer pumping up the reluctant boxer ready to go back in the ring..until finally ...I conquered what I thought was unconquerable...and just like that 10 hours later I am ready to do my first online presentation.

How does one show their non-sighted husband how to use this frustrating program...I'll tell you how...I was like a little old Italian woman using all my big hand and arm expressions expressing my frustration with my whole body...Deano just standing back shaking his head, telling me to calm down...me getting up walking away and coming back about 10 thousand times so I would not put my fist through the screen...just like handling a unruly toddler I console myself...just walk away reset and try again.

I'll tell you tomorrow how I went...luckily I have a supportive team who are clicking into the webinar. If it all goes pear shape I am ready to climb into my warm bed and dream of a life that has absolutely no computer frustration only beaches with warm sand and crashing waves and mock-tails (because good Mormon girls don't drink)
#blindman finds #pokemon before his #daughter...so much for #pokemongo #technology

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