

Friday 5 August 2016

Day 4: Broken pieces don't count...right?

I once heard Tom Hanks say "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you'll get",  in my life it's a little different..."Life is like a packet of Arnotts cream filled biscuits...if you eat the broken pieces they don't count!"
#blindman always the adventure seeker

 Deano my blind hubby he has always been the optimistic type of person...someone who has never said he can't and a man who would give anything a go...even if he gets broken along the way. There have been times when when he has just thought he was invincible like when he offered to help a single mum move home, slipped in her drive way and broke his arm. He didn't tell me about the fall until later on in the evening after he had finished helping the friend move her furniture. Nope not until he was almost ready to hurl up his guts did he complain about his sore elbow. 

Then there was the time we were walking home from his office together and he ducked under a palm tree leaf without realising there was a power pole with a utility box on it on the other side of the massive dangling branch.  The poor man skinned his nose right from the bottom to the top catching the bottom of the metal utility door as he lifted his head from under the branch. 

Recently he bent down in the side yard to pick a tool up out of his tool box only to find the garbage bin had been moved into the place where he had left his tool box. Yes that too was a trip to the hospital to have a tetanus shot because he split his lip on the edge of the bin... Poor Dean looked like he had picked on by the big kid at school and had come off the worst. 
There have been countless times I've jokingly been accused of beating my poor hubby up as he has a bump on his head or a swollen nose from walking into walls, or hitting his head on cupboard doors that have been left open.

This year it was another trip to the hospital for the man who thinks he can do anything. Dean went out to the shed to fetch me out smaller printer as our large printer was out of ink. In a shed that is full of pedal go karts, he manoeuvred himself between tyres and steering wheels to make it to the back of the crowded dusty storage area. Carrying the 30kg load back through the maze was another trick. Forgetting that he had moved a bucket of cycling helmets he tripped and holding the load he lost his footing this time the weight of the printer smashing against the ground with his wrist pinned in between. Not a man to be tied down by a plaster cast one week later I found him in the kitchen with a pair of scissors cutting his arm free. The broken ones don't count right!
My #blindman bent over to do some gardening and forgot the shovel was sticking out of the dirt

It is this simple attitude of let's go for it that I love about Deano. Sometimes I feel that is why we are together he is the Yin to my Yang...I am so cautious about everything. That's the way I was brought up. My Dad was an advisor for risk management in small business and my mum...well she would never take a risk...still at age 68 says she could never ride a bike...and as a child would say stuff like...I don't recommend you take up squash you might loose an eye. Or I took an aerobics lesson once and couldn't walk the day after so it's not that fun. Lol. 

To this day I remember when I played soft ball for the first season as a teenager. I got a ground ball straight of the bat to the forehead in my first training session ever I was knocked out cold. When I came too I felt my head, it was like Frankenstein. I had a broken eye socket! When mum came to pick me up she looked at me knowingly and said something along the lines of "See I told you sports give you injuries!" I sadly never played softball again. But in saying that I really do love my mum and there are many great lessons I learned from her example. She really taught me charity and love. My mum loves everything. (Except sport) she loves her dogs so much that she chews nuts up for them...yes she is a little crazy too but that is where I get my best parts from. 

So being the crazy cautious type and Deano being a free spirited give anything a go person it's no wonder we ended up with a not so typical life..so remember when things are not perfect...the broken pieces don't count. Right!

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