

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Day 16: Shorts and Tee's

Challenges are all around us and its how we accept those challenges in the end that counts. For a blindman the simple task of folding the washing can be the biggest obstacle of the day. Often he tries to sort the girls washing into neatly folded piles at the end of the bed. 

Most times he guesses by the width of the pants, the size of the cups, or the length of the sleeves, and  times,miraculously, he gets the items in the right pile. It was much easier when the kids were little. Mostly the girls didn't realise they were wearing their sisters clothing but sometimes you could tell when the oldest would look like Steve Urcle with her pants way to short for her ankles. 

There had been the odd occasion though where the item has been put in a teenagers pile that did not belong to them.  I say the odd occasion but it happens regularly. That's when all hell breaks loose. Each daughter taking Liberty  with the newly acquired item, wearing their sisters clothing. And we all know how that ends up. Growing up in a family of four girls myself it was as if a murder had happened when one of us had stolen an item of clothing from one of our sisters.

She's wearing my dress!

These daughters of ours have an added excuse to be wearing their sisters clothing- "Dad put it there in my pile so it must be mine" Possession is nine tents of the law after all! Oh the joys of being a parent...oh the excuses we have heard as reason to get out of trouble...and having a blind dad to them is a normal part of living so I guess this their excuses can be legitimised in some way. 

It's only when Deano dresses himself in one of their shirts that he as inadvertently thought was one of his own, that we all find ourself in fits of giggles. Oh the challenges, who ever thought that a floral tee would ever be anyone's challenge?
Is that even your Beenie?

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine the arguments over the clothes. I have 2 sisters and If mum put clothes in the wrong piles it was ON.

    I've never stopped before to be grateful that I can put my kids clothes in the right pile. I can see a large pile of washing right now, I hope I remember to be grateful when I fold them.
