

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Day 2: The helping hound

Ahh that feeling you get when you are a woman and its that time of night to take off that bra...settle into drinking a warm cuppa and writing your nightly blog post...ahhhh (I can almost hear a Holmer Simpson sigh) 
So here we go....The things you don't think about as a sighted person...I just want to put my hand up to say I am the worst person for blind man to be married to. I get my lefts and rights mixed up, I often forget to give directions and sometimes can't even think of the words to say to give the right directions. Luckily my blindman has had 25 years of me giving him bad directions that when I say go left he automatically turns right. When I say can you pick up that thingo from next to the sink 95% of the time Deano knows what the thingo is and which sink to go to. 
Today when we got out of the car Deano walked around the car to go into the shops and went to the wrong side of the car. This is a common occurrence for us so it does not seem to faze me until I am in a bit of a rush. A friend of ours was also getting out of the car and noticed that my man was going in the wrong direction. She commented..."Dean you need a guide dog" Quickly my smart mouthed husband quipped back..."I don't need one...I have my golden retriever right here!" (Pointing to me) Don't quite know how I feel about that comment but he said it in a whimsical manner with a smile and a wink so I am guessing he doesn't consider me as his pet dog!!!  
My friend responded that at least a guide dog will not spend all the money...to which my man laughed and said "but I would have to buy it doggy treats".
Having a guide dog is something we have never seriously considered. Many people have asked us over the years when we were going to apply for one but seriously these dogs while they are a gift for some for others they are a lot of work. Dean and I have 4 daughters, whom, when little were enough work for a mother and a blind father to go a little loopy. 
Try throwing a highly trained dog into the mix, one where the girls could never cuddle or chase while he had his working harness on, a dog that can only eat at certain times, a canine that needed to be walked on the harness for up to 5klms per day to keep his skill set up and a dog that sheds hair everyday was not a situation that we thought would be conducive to either the animal or our family. We just decided that a guide dog would be ruined by our family so we have left that gift to other worthy people who need a trusty companion. 
Trust me when I say we do love animals and currently we have a beautiful rescue dog named Bruce. Along the way we have had several dogs, Moses who ran away when he found a girl friend at a house nearby, Cooper aka Super cooper the flying dog who had to be re-homed as he would jump our six foot fence in a single bound and Jackson who was a also rescue dog with a huge underbite.Our children have learned loads by looking after these beautiful creatures and we have many fond memories of each of our pets that have past.  
Perhaps one day when I no longer able to assist my blindman we might consider a guide dog. But for now the only harness I have is my bra! So grateful I can let these puppies loose at night and hubby can't see how they have drooped over the years! Blessings all round I say! 

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