

Tuesday 2 August 2016

The Challenge 60 posts in 60 days

A crazy new adventure in our life has taken over our existence  over the past 8 weeks. My blindman and I have decided to delve into the unknown world of network marketing, which we would never ever considered until a responsible energy provider decided to launch here in Australia. It gets all the environmental ticks from my greenie blindman so we decided to go for it! Last night I challenged myself to step way out of my comfort zone and go to a networking event at the Story Bridge Hotel. Now I love to chit chat but never ever have I done "speed networking". I can't tell you how many people I met at this event it was crazy, everyone trying to tell "their story" voices getting louder and louder until at one stage I was lip reading because I could not hear what the person in front of me was saying...crazy. 
So we had to tell our story in 30 seconds...mine went a little like this..."My passion is my husband. We have been married for 25 years, he has been blind since birth. I helped him through two degrees, first being environmental science, the second business. He was the first blind man along with his blind brother to cycle across Australia. He was made redundant in the Global Financial Crisis and as a result used his redundancy money to create a fun activity for the child care sector with pedal go karts. Today we run the largest pedal go kart hire company in Australia. We are also in pre-launch stages of a new responsible energy provider coming here to Australia." Then I took a deep breath and listened to the persons response and their story...so many amazing stories. 
All were entrepreneurs, some were more interesting to me than others...there was the man that had a farting dog so he decided to develop a new type of wholesome dog treats, there was a lady who was involved in outsourcing labour from overseas, there were content finders, coaches of every kind from business, life to mental illness recovery coaches, photographers, make up artists, electricians, clothing designers and accountants with a twist! 

There was one woman in particular that stood out to me....her name is Becca Saunders and she left a job she hated and moved to Australia from the UK with $500 in her wallet. Now she runs a highly successful digital marketing company called The Delicatessen in Sydney. She and I hit it off. Becca was the one person who made me feel comfortable in these awkward surrounds. We talked about our lives and she was fascinated by what I consider the mundane existence that my husband and I lead...encouraging me to get back to blogging daily. She said "people want to know your ordinary stuff...like how does a blindman pour a glass of water without it spilling?" 

So apparently that stuff that makes up our everyday life is fascinating to most of the rest of the world. Assumptions such as my house must be emasculate so my blindman can navigate around were just one of many topics of discussion...because of course if anyone knows me...they know I am not the best house keeper  so no my house is just as unkept as the next person...I have just learnt not to sweat the small stuff over time and if Deano runs into, walks over, treads on my stuff and it gets wrecked its part of life! At the same time if he trips into the washing basket he has become the most agile person on earth. He always catches himself before he falls and rarely has bad injuries to complain about, due to my messy house that is! 

So with Becca's encouragement I will continue to write my blog. This crazy and zany woman threw down the gauntlet and challenged me to write a blog for 60 days...that's 60 chapters of giggles about celebrating opportunities to learn and share with others about our abnormal, normal life.

...btw my blindman puts his index finger into the top lip of the glass to feel the water reach the top to indicate to stop pouring...you just want to hope that he has not picked his nose with that finger before he offers you a drink! (Just kidding!)
A showreel from the Deli Agency...Becca's baby! She is amazing!


  1. I'm a person with RP and I'm looking forward to reading you daily blog!

  2. How do I subscribe to your blog?

  3. How do I subscribe to your blog?

    1. Now I am not too sure but I think you subscribe through google. Thanks for wanting to follow my blog. I will try to find out for you

    2. ok I found out how to follow. Go to the home page and scroll to the bottom of the page. There is a place there to enter your email so you can follow and be notified of my posts. Hope that helps Carol,

  4. I'm a person with RP and I'm looking forward to reading you daily blog!
