

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Day 52: Do you Stand or Do you Sit?

I want to share something with you that I know has been and still is a very embarrassing situation that happened to My Blindman. So just to let you know I have his permission to share because it was such a hideous situation that I am sure you will agree, if it were you dealing with it, you may never want anyone else to know, but alas it is a reality for people with RP, well men anyway, with this disease and something they need to consider that a sighted person (perhaps only if you were blind drunk) has probably never had to think about.

Do you stand or do you sit?

Let me come back to that question after I paint you a descriptive picture of the situation. Driving in the city yesterday Deano asks me what we are near to get his bearings  and with hesitation I told him the landmark,Qscan. I say this with anticipation of the anxiety it could cause in a man that totally lost it in that very building a few years earlier. With nervous laughter he leans back in his passenger seat and grabs at his legs and adds some commentary..."Hey girls that's where Dad famously..." I will stop there and paint you another scene...the actual scene

Deano was having acute stomach pain and took himself off to the Doctor who ordered an ultrasound to be taken. You see it's not just the ladies that get ultrasounds that consist of drinking 1 litre of water and are asked to hold onto it until after the procedure. With me being at work on this day Deano assisted by Daughter number three caught the bus to the Qscan building. In the waiting room  the duo patiently sat waiting for Dads turn but the scanning technician were running s little late. Ladies, now you know how annoying this can be, especially if you are 6 month pregnant and told to drink a litre and hold it for your ultrasonic enjoyment...NOT!
Finally it his turn to have the cold gel added to his abdomen only to be poked and prodded by an alien looking instrument in order to capture a glimpse of the effected area. As the procedure went on Deano tells me he felt like his kidneys were about to burst but being in true Aussie bloke form he never complained, just sucked it up (pun totally intended) and went with the flow!!!...insert winkie face emoji here!

 On completion Deano is directed to the bathroom which is set right between two of the scanning rooms. Architecturally designed for this very purpose...to relieve the ailments of those who are subjected to  ultrasound water torture treatment.  In a complete frenzy he whips it out and relives his sinking kidneys of the drowning water that was backing up in his pipes. Completely emptying the entire litre and any other fluid that was in his system before he forced in the the excess water prior to the scan.  Deano felt the satisfaction of a job well done and zipped up his pants ready to flush and exit the room. As he went to push on the flusher he could not find the button...in fact the toilet was not there at all...it was to the left of where he was standing...not where he had just emptied his funnel. Oops! Splashing his way out the door he tells the staff member "I think I  peed on the floor" or something of this sort...he didn't really remember what he said being highly embarrassed he just wanted out of there ASAP! The tech takes a few paper towels in with her to wipe up the dribbles she thinks are on the floor only to find that Noah had left the remainder of the earths flood within the walls of the Qsan toilet amenities. Poor woman...Poor Dean!!!

 So I will pose my question again...Do you stand or do you sit? From this point on Deano has decided it sit!

BTW....those disabled toilets are not just for those in wheelchairs...they are used by those who need direction from their spouse or someone who needs to find the toilet without everyone else in the room looking at them, while they use their hands to feel their way to the cold porcelain bowl in a room so Noah never has to build an arc again!

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