

Thursday 8 September 2016

Day 39 : Fire in the Belly

Times are a changing. Today has been both challenging and wearing. A day of motivated uplifted individuals all working together to build a fire...not just any fire but the biggest bloody bom fire I have ever seen. 

The day started with building the wheelbarrows to cart the wood. Our small team of 5 were amazed as they watched my Blindman assemble the devise that most sighted men and women were struggling to put together. In the end with the help of Deano we were the first team to complete the task. It helps that Deano puts pedal karts together for a living! 

Then after years as young boy preparing the kindling for the fire at home, his wood splitting talents came into play setting the example of how to chop tree stumps into sticks to start the burning happening. 
Other crew members commenting with amazement "Is there anything Deano won't have a go at?" Yes this man is a fantastic example of giving life a go.
As the morning draws on I'm assigned the "Fears Fire". What on earth was that was my first reaction...the fears fire is a symbolic gesture as those that participate write all their limiting beliefs and fears onto paper and throw them in the fire to be burnt and never to return. Later these ashes will be the bedding for the hot coals that will be trodden underfoot. 

For Deano and I this time we wrote our fears down on a log in thick black marker...with just one word "Frustration" To us this word symbolises the emotion we face everyday...sometimes multiple times a day. Wether it's frustration from walking into a wall, having my whites turn pink in the wash because that odd sock was tossed in, having adaptive technology fail right at that moment when you need to hit the print button, not being able to see the door is open and the dog gets out or just teenage girls being teenage girls wanting to experience life their way and not listen to any parental advise. Yes frustration has been a significant part of our journey up until now. Like a ceremonial sacrifice to the  Gods we chucked that log into the fire to let go of years of frustration and embrace a new path of acceptance. What if life was working for you not to you? Right!

For me the fears fire was a significant moment as I watched my teenage daughters rid themselves of their limitations leading up to their hot coal march. It was interesting to see their faces as the realisation of the intense heat became a reality. The oldest of our daughters determined she would walk, the second still undecided...and me when I was faced with the reality two years ago of walking was the person at the back saying "hell no!!!" Right until the very last second when my mind  just took itself over the raging heat and my body just followed. Today I stand here on my feet for 18 hours preparing this same opportunity for 4000 others to rid themselves of their limitations and make a decision in spite of the consequences.  It has been a cleansing and exhilarating experience. 

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