

Saturday 11 April 2015

My First Blind Date

So many stories that I would like to share with you about the life that Dean and I have created for each other and I know it will take a life time to share them so I better get cracking cause half my life is over already

After knowing Dean for nearly three months how did he do it? I mean how did he manage not to tell us the extent of his blindness and how is he coping with his life? How was he doing the day to day tasks that I find very normal but put a blind fold on me and see how I cope then.

The week after Dean's Dad John had visited I started observing Dean and really watched for the way he moved and how he dealt with everyday happenings. I noticed that he scanned the floor left and right with his head before making a move from one point in the room to another. I observed that in church when he was asked to read aloud in class he was pretend he was shy and ask someone else to read instead. I saw him pour a drink for himself by holding his index finger just inside the cups edge so he could feel the water as it hit the almost full point in the cup without overflowing. It was fascinating to me but very normal to Dean.

I never have asked Dean why he did not tell anyone about his condition in the early years but I suspect it was a matter of pride. To be able to function day to day without be labelled by society as useless is something I have never had to consider in my own life. But me being me I could not help myself and so I took my curiosity into my own stride and quizzed him outright. 

Dean had finally had the courage to ask me out on a date and of course without even thinking I said I would  love to go to the cinema. So there we were, I was driving on very dark country roads at 7pm on a Friday night, taking my blind date to the movies and this is when I took the moment to ask the all important question "What can you see?" and his reply stunned me "Right now I see nothing but a few lights when cars come past us out of the corner of my left eye. During the day I can see a rough outline of a person, no details or facial features, in good light I can see colour contrasts but in really bright light the glare is overwhelming so I don't see much at all."  

So why are we going to the movies? It kinda seemed preposterous to me but at the same time enthralled me to know how this date was going to work. It was all very exciting as I was being absorbed into Deans world. When we got to our destination it suddenly dawned on me that I would be Deans eyes on this date. Dean came around to the drivers side of the car and opened the door...like any respectable boyfriend should. He then took my arm,,,,like any respectable boyfriend would. He then whispered in my ear..."you smell so nice" He made me feel confident and loved and beautiful...just as any respectable boyfriend could. I suppose in this situation I could have felt like a guide dog just there to guide him around but that is not Deans way, he was smooth in his demeanour ...so I was pleased to have him by my side and take him into the cinema, let him know where each step was in the dark and guide him to our seats.

The movie that we saw was starring Kathy Bates "Misery" Not the most romantic movie to see on a first date but non the less we enjoyed ourselves. I am sure that the people in the movies sitting around us were annoyed by my constant whisperings to Dean throughout the movie because I didn't want him to miss out so I told him all about the scenes and what was happening in the quiet moments and so forth. My movie commentary on that night really set the standard that I have had to live up to ever since. But we have learnt not to annoy others when going to the cinema. We always try to chose a least popular spot in the cinema so I can whisper to him without irritating those around us. Going to the cinema throughout our 24 years has been our most popular date...I guess my commentary is still at a high #RichardBenaud standard as Deano has never complained.

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