

Thursday 16 April 2015

Little decisons big learning outcomes

As a teen bride I really didn't consider the impacts of my youthful decisions on my adult life. Huge decisions that at the time did not seem that big. After We got engaged I printed a wedding day count down calendar, used blue tac to stick it to my green chamfer board nun cell convent house walls, under the catholic cross. Although we were brought up as Mormons my father is a Catholic so it didn't offend him at all to leave the crucifix hanging in each of our bedrooms. Perhaps it helped us in remembering what the Saviour suffered for us or perhaps it was that it brought back memories of his own growing up as an alter boy serving the patrons of Saint Mary's Cathedral in Sydney.

My Dad is a good man always looking out for those in the community who are in need and just as he allowed a few of my friends come and live with us and even giving them work at his engineering factory, he was willing to give them all sorts of advice in life. His heart was in the right place but he tended to talk in riddles and so sometimes especially when he had had a drink or two the conversation always seem to come back to metal eurgy and the different properties and types of metal...boring to your average teenage daughter or friend and so we really learnt to love spending time in our rooms bedrooms at night.

I think Dad hoped that one of his four daughters would take over his engineering steel fabrication company, but growing up, after years and years of him lecturing us about this and that to do with steel fabrication and spending our holidays hanging around his dirty dusty fabrication shed it certainly wasn't a career choice for me. Neither was it for any of my sisters, poor Dad if only he had had sons!

At 17 I certainly didn't know what I was going to do with my life. Before I met Dean I could see myself somewhere in the corporate world, in a big office overlooking the city, a CEO of some sort or another. It wasn't exactly a dream of mine but it is something I could see myself doing as my family and all of my report cards from school always commented on my leadership skills. But now I had chosen to take the not so easy path of being a wife and a mother so I really dared to dream of what I could do with my days to make a difference in the lives of others.

There was a child studies course in social science that was on offer and so I decided that I would throw my hat in the ring and see if I could get into that form of study after completing high school. Not that I always wanted to work with children but I felt that I needed training in this area because being a parent (I knew back then) was going to be one of the hardest tasks I would ever complete...and 24 years on I still haven't yet mastered! I can say I did not enjoy the course at all but it did give me some education into how babies and toddlers tick and after completing my Associate Diploma in Social Science( Child Studies) I still didn't know what to do with my life or what I wanted to be...and years later I am still asking myself what do I want to do when I grow up...because working in the childcare industry for years now I have learned to love my job and I often wonder when will I get the chance to make my big person decisions...or maybe this is what big people do...pretend play all day and wait until they go to bed and dream of a day when they will be a big grown up person too!

Over the years I have taken on many rolls of which I am sure to blog about. A wife, a lover, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a manager, a director, an educator...and I am sure there is a long list of other roles that I have performed...but the most important roll is the role that I know that I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me and wants me to succeed in any path that I chose. One who has the ability to serve others and help others reach their devine potential and He has been there every step of the way guiding me through his promptings and still small voice.

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