

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Pay it Forward

After struggling for 6 months getting to University classes, library, shopping and church without a car a mystery cheque came to us in the mail. The cheque was for the value of $2500. The letter that accompanied this grand sum stated that it was given with love from an undisclosed relative who had watched our struggles and knew we needed a car. Wow just wow, this was so out of the blue, not expected and I will be forever grateful. I was always told that by paying a full tithing that I would always be blessed and this really was a blessing I just didn't see coming. That sounds a little weird to those not of my faith but all my life I have been taught that by donating a tenth of my income to back to The Lord then I will be blessed to have enough for my needs and enough to help others. I read the book "Rich Man Poor Man" by Robert kiyosaki in my young adult years and also have attended seminars by other wealthy people such as Anthony Robbins and they seem to say the same thing. If you donate 10%of your income to charity then you will be a wealthy person indeed.
This I have found to be true. Not that my husband and I have been millionaires or even truly monetary wealthy but we have always had enough for our needs and enough to share with others by practicing this principle and along the way we have had our prayers answered when we were in times of need and when we did not even consider that we were needy special blessings have come into our life like the money for our first car. 
So there we were for the first time we felt the love of a all knowing Heavenly Father who had prompted someone to watch over and take care of us. 
I always wanted a small car one that was nothing like the huge  four wheel drive or Hiace van that my parents had thought me to drive in. I didn't really take into consideration what Deano would have liked to be seen driving in as I was the driver and we'll you know He was the passenger. I had walked past the same car yard probably every day for 6 months and there was a little car on the lot that took my eye. It was a 2 door, 1977, white, Honda Civic. The price tag was $2499.00 what are the odds. It felt so good being able to walk in and sign the cheque over to the salesman. 
Driving away with the windows down and the wind in my hair literally, no air conditioning in this little beauty. I felt a sense of freedom. That's what paying tithing has done for me. It really has given me my freedom, a freedom to be blessed and in return bless others. That little car was mine for the first 4 years that I was married, it moved us from house to house from state to state and carried many opportunities to serve my friends and neighbours as we gave lifts to others, helped friends move house, it helped me in service opportunities in the church where I volunteered in positions such as youth group leader and transported meals to those in need. 
I have had people not of my faith say to me that 10% of our income is so much to pay, but I feel like it is such a bargain. I have gained so much more than what that money could have bought and at times when it has been a real test of my faith because my budget has been tight I have learnt to pay it anyway as I can truly testify that through sacrifice comes magnificent blessings...how on earth does a blind man study not one but two degrees, run his own business and have his own house...and a wife and four daughters, and still has enough to share...I say it's because we pay tithing. 

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