

Saturday 9 May 2015

Best day of the year-Mother's Day

Mother's Day brings great memories for me of when my girls were so very little and just adored their Mother. They would wake me with the clinking sounds of children and their Dad busy in the kitchen making me breakfast in bed. It was and still is the only day of the year I really enjoy. The only day I am not reminded I am a year older, and unlike Christmas and Easter I am not expected to get out of bed early and make everyone else's day special. 
Well before the pitter patter of little feet in our house I had to make some decisions of what to study. I really wanted to be something in the corporate world..a CEO of something or other in a big office overlooking a beautifully laid out city. My parents had always instilled in me that I was the born leader of the family and I had the nick name of Bossy B#tch by my non-member Dad...but he affectionately shortened that to BB along the way. 
My new life choice of getting married so young had me thinking about my future family more and more and after careful consideration it was decided that office life was not going to be my path. I chose to learn about children and to complete an Associate Diploma in Social Science (Child Studies), my new husband had already started his second year of his Environmental Science degree. I knew one of us should learn how to deal with what lay ahead of us so that we could cope with the brood, Dean had suggested that were going to be part of this union, one day as we were driving along in my Mum's Hiace van. 
During my studies I spent time practicing being a mum to other peoples children. I learnt how to write awesome observations of children's development and to know what to expect from children's milestones and achievements. I absorbed as much information as I could and feeling like a sponge I took in as much practical knowledge as possible. 
The birth of each of our four girls was something we both looked forward to. Our first pregnancy was the trickiest with her being 2 weeks overdue and having to be induced and later on born by Caesarian section after 12 hour labour was not fun. 
Due to my complications with my first pregnancy the following three children were all born Caesarian. They should have just installed a zipper down there, it would have been a lot easier! 
After each child was born our world turned upside down and if you knew my girls you will know why I say not a day goes by that Deano and I are not surprised in some way or another! It's certainly not a dull household, I say that we are "surprised" because at first when we had our oldest daughter grow into her teens I would have said "shocked" but now we have become accustomed to new things happening each day we just try find the silver lining in life and hold on to that as tight as we can.
Even with Deano's blindness parenting the children when they were younger was easier than it is today. No amount of reading of text  books could have prepared me for 4 teenage girls. 
We love each one of them and are thankful for each of them everyday. Each morning when we have scripture study and kneel in family prayer it is an opportunity for us to share our love for them with our Father in a Heaven and gratitude for lending us these precious souls for our life journey and into eternity. And while they are teenagers sometimes they see us as their enemy but I  suppose most teens say that about their parents but deep down inside we know they love us as much as they did when they were little because although they are a challenge we love them just the same and if not more than the day they were born. When I see each girl taking their turn at holding their Fathers's hand and guiding him through a crowded shopping centre or busy car park, or when we see them caring for someone who has a disability we know they are learning from being our children that the reason why we are on earth is to help others in need and to love one another. My heart is warmed by the affection they show to their Dad and how they will always respond to him with love even when he is reproving them for stepping out of line. (Which seems to be often now days) But most of all when my girls ask me what I want for Mother's Day the most joy I feel is when they live by my request...I just want good children and breakfast in bed! 

Sent from my iPad

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