

Saturday 10 September 2016

Day 41: Cut the Crap!

What in the dickens?
I just want to say...today I met my first blogging fan! Someone at the Tony Robbins event that my Blindman and I have been crewing approached me as I was sitting manning the service desk in the grand hall of Auditorium number 3 at the Sydney Olympic stadium. She said she recognised me. Really studying my face this lovely young woman commented  "Have we met?...I feel like I know you." She continued to look me up and down as if I was under interrogation for international fraud and then it comes to her... "Do you write a blog?" I answer yes and we both chanted together "The Blindmans wife" Wow...just wow! I have a fan. Feeling like a superstar she embraced me with her long skinny arms in a big groupie hug. Kayla my new number 1 fan I adore you! 

Today is Transformation day of the Tony Robbins experience. Being on the volunteer crew we were told to bring the smile into the room. Be of good cheer and bring on the energy. Deano's and my first task for the day...Getting our grove on, high fiving attendees as they entered the room. Coming  up with a plan of action my blind man knew just when his next hand slapper was approaching...his que for an aproachee was when I said "welcome to transformation day" and as he heard the slapping of myself and a complete strangers hands clap together he knew to stick out his right hand to give high five. With someone carrying coffee I would loudly announce "this person needs a transformation day hug" indicating to Deano that a high five was not going to work and probably piss a few people off if they got covers in their hot beverage. Our game plan worked with only a few coffee lovers getting an unwanted side slap from the Blindman who at times was a little distracted by the noise of 4000 people entering the venue and the background music energising the pumped crowd. 25 years of marital practice makes us the experts of coordinating operation "Get in and have a go" and today like German slap dancing experts we became the door crews newest happy slappers!

Transformation day is an unusual day...it's a day when people go through a technique which Tony Robbins calls the "Dickens Process" this is an opportunity for all attendees to unpack their emotional burdens and false beliefs, take a look at how if they chose to keep lugging them around for the next 30 something years what that would mean for them and all those around them. The weeping and whaling and gnashing of teeth of 4000 distraught people was impressively the strangest experience I have yet encountered. 

Yes I have done this before but I was in the middle of the crowd encountering this experience as an attendee, this time I was on the outside looking in. The feelings of remorse, guilt, hurt, frustration, hate, envy, anxiety and pain were all out there literally. There is no other way to describe the scene other than I think this is what hell will look like! Then with a snap of his fingers the big man Tony replaces those ugly incantations with a sudden self belief and a positive outlook for the future. Chanting I am the voice...I will lead not follow...I am a force for good...and other such motivational self belief positive aspirational thoughts filling the room with hope and positive vibes that electrified the hall. In this 2 hour process it felt like black and white...people came into the hall wearing their black cowboy hats and walked out of the hall wearing a white ten gallon hat with guns a blazing ready to take on life with their new weapons of self belief...a force for good. 

Out of all the crazy stuff this Blindman and I experience this would definitely be one of those out of the box experiences that most people they would not ever encounter.  But hey if your life is going to be extraordinary why not embrace it. Right! Embracing the crazy is what we seem to do best and together with 1 new groupie, 300 beautiful other crew and 4000 odd other crazy people who don't want to waste another minute in their old mundane state we are now ready to conquer the world knowing the universe has their back! 
The Dickens Process

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