

Sunday 4 September 2016

Day 35: Twinkle Twinkle Little Scar

Sleepy is how I would describe the country township of Tamworth. Although once a year every year this little isolated city becomes a booming hub of country music and bush poet culture. The rest of the year it feels like a box of family favorites- everyone is a little different, sweet but at the same time familiar...you kind of know what to expect. Everybody knows everyone else's business and your Neighbour was truly your neighbour who you could rely on to help you out when you were in a pickle. It was a lovely place to have children and a safe place to raise our family of little women.

We had loads of friends to help us out within our little church community and life was relaxed. I filled in my days with volunteering at the local toy library as the children were all in their toddler years and  Dean worked at the waste water plant. Every now and then though I had a need to pop up to the shops  or attend the odd committee meeting at night and leave Deano to do the Dad thing at home. Remembering that at this stage Deano was in his mid 20's and his RP was not full blown. He was coping well and not yet using a seeing eye cane, so I felt that he could look after the needs of the children with no real dramatic issues at all.

One particular eventing comes to mind that our quiet family situation became all of a sudden a state of emergency. Our eldest Daughter was three and the second daughter was a little rug rat. I had attended a night time volunteer committee meeting and came home to expect the children all rugged up and ready to tuck into bed.
It was the end of a long day for my Deano and instead of filling up the tub for the girls to have a bath he decided he would allow them to play around in the bottom of the shower as the water tumbled over their heads thus easily washing off the days muck from the grubby twosome.

All sounds rather familiar right? Wrong...I will paint you the scene as I walk into the house. Our oldest girl having finished her shower was self dressing in the lounge, in front of the TV recording of Play School. Apart from the sounds of "I'm a Little Teapot' coming from the TV set there was a baby crying in a bedroom, not a tired cry but a awakening alert something is wrong cry. Walking towards that room I see a trail of blood leading from the shower all the way to the foot of my bed. Deano was there trying to dress the crying baby not even noticing her bleeding but knowing that something was not right.

He looks at me and says "All was well until I lifted her out of the shower and then she started to scream. I can't find anything wrong with her!" But alas there was something horribly wrong. The little babies second tow looked like it had been scalped by a Mochican. All the flesh of her little pad was dangling off the end of her toe and I could see the bone exposed. With explaining the situation of what was before my eyes to my Blindman He nursed the poor little babe as I tried to work out how this happened. As I retraced the blooded path back to the shower I found a little piece of her flesh in sitting in the star shaped drainage hole. Then the realization of what had just occurred hit me. This poor little Blighter had her toe stuck in the drain hole when her dad lifter her up out of the shower.

Bundling her up we whisked her off to the hospital to be seen by the experts. The Doctors could not even sew her flesh back on as her toes were so little, instead choosing to glue her toe back together hoping it healed without infection. Gladly I say that this little one is now almost 19 and her toe is still in tact...albeit the little tootsie has a scar that is in the shape of a star right around the ring of its base. Yes to some this might not seem like a drama but to us at the time it felt catastrophic. That is until we had to deal with other dramas that were self inflicted by the girls and nothing to do with their Dad not being able to see as they were growing up. It was a nasty isolated incident that we will never forget that had Deano been able to see may have been avoided.
Three of our four wonder women all Daddy's little girls

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